This time the tour begins in the city of El Alto, more specifically in Ciudad Satélite, little by little we advance in line to buy the ticket at Bs. 3 (0.43 USD). Many people wait to see the entire city for the first time from a cabin.

Once inside, the trip begins quickly and with a steep incline to the intermediate station on Av. Buenos Aires, as we descend, the topography becomes flatter and buildings and the Bolívar club complex begin to be seen in the distance. Crossing roofs and streets we arrive at the Sopocachi station where many people go up to go to the south by connecting with the green line.

The trip continues while the triplet bridges are seen in the distance and at our feet the Av. Costanera and its typical winding to cover the slopes of the city. At Libertador station we easily change lines to go in one of the 167 cabins to Irpavi paying again Bs. 3 (0.43 USD) unless we use the card with which we will save Bs. 1 per person.

This time the trip is calmer, there are not many greater slopes to overcome. The trip takes us directly to Alto Obrajes where you can see the Olympic swimming pool of Alto Obrajes and this picturesque area that still refuses tall buildings. Here is the first substation of the green line, the journey continues through Alto Obrajes, through the windows you can see all of Obrajes, Seguencoma, Bolognia and a large part of Bella Vista. The next stop is the Obrajes station where there is a funicular for access from Calle 17.

At this point the cabins ascend again until they reach San Alberto, one of the most exclusive areas of the city with houses with large gardens, swimming pools and eucalyptus trees. As you move through San Alberto, you can see Calacoto and Irpavi while the cabins begin their final descent to the Irpavi station where you can see the military college of the army and the entrance to Irpavi.

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