Attention to entry requirements to Miami

 According to the new provisions of the United States government, passengers must meet the following requirements:

1. US citizens, legal permanent residents in the United States, citizens of another nationality with a valid visa for the United States and up-to-date documentation.

2. People who have been to China, Iran, the Schengen Area of ​​Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland or Brazil (14 days prior to the flight), will not be able to enter the United States.

This restriction does not apply to US citizens, lawful permanent residents of the United States, and other categories of people.

Likewise, as of January 26, 2021, passengers over the age of 2 who enter the United States by air must have a negative test result of a viral test (RT-PCR or antigen) performed within 3 days prior to your flight departure and provide written documentation of the laboratory test result to the airline.

More information:  

Boa - Miami requirements

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