Hotels in Santa Cruz

  (5 stars)

901 Roca y Coronado Av
Phone: (591-3) 3551212 - Fax (591-3) 3551212
643 Colon St
Phone: (591-3) 3362323 - Fax (591-3) 3371113
San Martín Av and 4º anillo, Equipetrol
Phone: (591-3) 3423535 - Fax (591-3) 3431515
4 Segunda Av, Colinas del Urubo
Phone: (591-3) 3718000
4to anillo Av between Radial 23 and Las Ramblas
Phone: (591-3) 3424848
455 San Martin Av
Phone: (591-3) 3421000 - Fax (591-3) 3426994
7 San Martin Av, Equipetrol
Phone: (591-3) 3367799 - Fax (591-3) 3363952
24 de Septiembre Av and Sucre
Phone: (591) 71666662
280 Cristobal de Mendoza Av
Phone: (591-3) 3331234 - Fax (591-3) 3351186

 (4 stars)
340 Beni St
Phone: (591-3) 3346910 - Fax (591-3) 3335724
289 Cañoto Av and Junin
Phone: (591-3) 3347272 - Fax (591-3) 3347272
340 Beni St
Phone: (591-3) 3339611
Aruma St, Urbari
Phone: (591-3) 352244 - Fax (591-3) 3522667
220 Ayacucho St
Phone: (591-3) 3372525 - Fax (591-3) 3327118
356 21 de mayo St and Seoane
Phone: (591-3) 3368778 - Fax (591-3) 3336083
497 Los Claveles St, Sirari
Phone: (591-3) 3420739
340 El Trompillo Av
Phone: (591-3) 3520366 - Fax (591-3) 3520533
478 El Trompillo Av
Phone: (591-3) 3550939
 Hotel Puerta de Hierro
689 Busch Av and El Salvador
Phone: (591-3) 3373000 - Fax (591-3) 3347501
70 Barron St
Phone: (591-3) 3399700 - Fax (591-3) 3399700

 (3 stars)
 Gran Hotel Canadá
595 Charcas St and Avaroa
Phone: (591-3) 3390593 - Fax (591-3) 3163174
 Hotel La Sierra
474 Monseñor Salvatierra Av
Phone: (591-3) 3338205 - Fax (591-3) 3342566
17 Vallegrande St between Ingavi and Ayacucho
Phone: (591-3) 3349775 - Fax (591-3) 3330146
 Hotel Felimar
445 Ayacucho St
Phone: (591-3) 3346677 - Fax (591-3) 3323232
290 Ejercito Nacional Av 
Phone: (591-3) 3575222 - Fax (591-3) 3575222
 Hotel Libertador Simón Bolívar
119 Buenos Aires St
Phone: (591-3) 3351235 - Fax (591-3) 33342696
Suarez de Figueroa St and Cordillera
Phone: (591-3) 3364488 - Fax (591-3) 3362661
7 Jaimes Freire St and San Martin Av, Equipetrol
Phone: (591-3) 3321919 - Fax (591-3) 3392777

 (2 stars)
 Hotel Alaska
569 Florida St 
Phone: (591-3) 3340288 - Fax (591-3) 3321385
365 Libertad St 
Phone: (591-3) 3336292 - Fax (591-3) 3332147
 Hotel Internacional
437 Colon St 
Phone: (591-3) 3366414 - Fax (591-3) 3326587

 (1 star)
167 Rene Moreno St
Phone: (591-3) 3350742 - Fax (591-3) 3323119

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